It's good to be home. I never thought I would say this, let alone mean it but...I'm not done with Africa. I'm not at all sure where this will lead but my heart is longing for more travel, more human experiences that stretch me beyond what I know. I think I'll settle down for a second...but not forever.
The cultural divide between the Africans I met and myself was too wide for me to truly bridge that gap. I wanted to understand how they thought, viewed the world and found that I couldn't understand it. More and more I realize that I want to see for myself how this world works, how others live, even if it makes me extremely uncomfortable-even if the journey doesn't produce understanding.
I like who I am more for having had the experiences of the last year. For the first time that I can remember I'm not racing to get anywhere or be something. I keep thinking I'm forgetting something because I don't have this endless record in my head telling me all that I must accomplish each day. It feels like I'm finally along for the ride itself, taking in the sights as I go. And I have so much time now...where did all my time used to go? Did I spend that much time plotting and planning how I would change the world, make a name for myself? I think I did.
I used to have all these answers for the problems that plagued the world. I don't have many answers anymore but I get it that within me is this unquenchable desire to do some good in this world, in my alloted time here. Whatever that looks like. So my efforts may be futile in the grand scheme of things but God forbid I ever stop trying.