CURRENT: $3765, GOAL: $6350
Kirk, Jackie and Saul-thank you so much. I came home today to your generous donations and felt somewhat overwhelmed by the kindness of friends. Each donation is taken to heart and makes me want to do everything in my power to be of service when I'm in Uganda. I'd like to show every donor that their kindness was worth it.
Sometimes I get so nervous that this won't work out. I mean, it's kind of crazy, just up and moving to Uganda. Usually when I start feeling that way something happens (someone donates, a supportive letter arrives) to encourage me to continue on this quest.
What I've been realizing lately is that I haven't any substantial clue as to what I will do after my volunteer stint is over. The idea of returning...I can't seem to imagine that far in advance. I love my life here-it is so rich, full of friends and love and my cat (who is currently sitting on top of my computer). But something in me says it's time to go. I watched 'Motorcycle Diaries' the other day, fantastic movie. At the end of it, I knew I totally dug it but couldn't say why. It's Che Guervera's (sp) trek through South America. Throughout the movie, Che became quieter. He just seemed to go within to find out what he truly believed. At the end of his journey, he writes that his adventure changed him beyond what he had expected. He was a different man. I think this is what speaks to me-the idea that these moments in our lives, change us in unexpected ways. I don't know what Africa will open up in me. Will I want to stay and work to help Africans have access to basic human rights... Will I be changed beyond what I could have expected? Will I be a different woman?
What an amazing experience this process is...working towards something valuable, being held and helped by friends (and strangers) along the way. I love this life.